Sunday, September 29, 2013

Potato, Potatoe


It's one word that packs a lot of meaning. Effective communication is critical in all friendships... and it can also make or break a dating relationship.

Did she just say what I think she said?

We all tend to assume we understand what people are saying to us. Unfortunately, there are many ways in which we can miscommunicate. Expression, tone, and words are not always clear. How do we solve this dilemma? If you are unsure of what the other person means, just ask for clarification. It is much easier to ask sooner rather than later. If they aren't willing to explain... that's a red flag.

Words that build

Guys, it is so important to let the girl you are dating know that you care about her. Encourage her in her hobbies and talents. Compliment her. Don't let the sun go down without letting her know you think she's something special. If she is worth your time, she will build you up and support your dreams too.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

Monday, September 16, 2013

Let's Get Real...

I'm going to be honest... this post was inspired by a blog I read on It was too good to let it go unnoticed.

Dating vs. Hanging Out

Here's a topic that is hot right now: dating vs. hanging out. They are very different! We settle for just hanging out with groups of people; watching movies, going to a restaurant, or playing video games. This creates a relaxed atmosphere, where there is never an expectation of going beyond friendship.
Hear's not a replacement for dating!

Dating is when you pair off with someone in a temporary commitment, with the hope of getting to know them better, and maybe start a long-term relationship. Women love going on dates. It makes us feel special, and hopefully the attention she gives you will be worth the effort you put in.

Once you know you like her...

After you have decided you are attracted to this woman, it's still fine to hang out in groups so that you can get to know her better. Please don't let it stop there. Once you see she is attracted to you, ask her on a date.

Dates don't have to be expensive. Renting a DVD and eating popcorn while you watch it together is nice. Taking her out to coffee is great too! Be creative... don't let laziness keep you from having fun with a great person. Find out each other's hobbies, and do them together. Cooking, video games, and ping pong are better with the person you enjoy being with.

Giving credit where it's due!
Check out my inspiration for writing today:

"Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be among the stars."
Les Brown