Real men, pursuing real women.
Sometimes it seems too good to be true. What is happening to our generation?
thing that is causing men to become less confident is that women
are becoming more independent, and even take the first steps in many
relationships. We can be self-sufficient and strong-willed, which in some cases
isn’t a good thing.
Here’s the problem:
We aren’t giving men the opportunity to
fight for us; to win our love and hearts.
You may say, “Well, I didn’t want him
to get away, so I had to do something!”,
or make excuses for why you wear the pants in the relationship. I'd like to
offer a different opinion.
I don’t want to fall in love with a man
who can’t stand up for himself. If he can’t stand up for himself, how can he
stand up for me? I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with some real
Christian men recently… and let me tell you, it was a relief. They do exist!
They have the Holy Spirit working in them, and people supporting them on their
journey to becoming the men God designed them to be. And that, ladies, is the
kind of man worth waiting for.
Inspire him
Real men, as God
created them, were meant to lead. Challenge them to do so! Don’t call all the
shots. Take a step back. Inspire him.
Show him you support him. This can be all the men in your life; family,
friends, boyfriends, or husbands. If you believe in him, he will believe in
I want to see men step up; ask those
girls to dance, help the little old lady with yard work, and help out when you
see a need at home or work. I appreciate you! Thank you to all the men who have
opened doors for me, carried heavy boxes, and exemplified what Christian men
are supposed to be. You are the leaders of the future, the husbands, brothers,
and fathers that will make such a difference in the world. J