Thursday, July 31, 2014

You are His Masterpiece

We All Have Bad Days

Some days, we beat ourselves up. We know we blew it, made mistakes, and feel unworthy...

But you know what? That is okay. We were not born perfect. Do you realize that God doesn't expect perfection from you either? He sent His son to be the perfect sacrifice, so that we wouldn't get dragged down by peer pressure, the desire for perfection, and selfishness.

Turn to God when you mess up. He will create beauty and wholeness through the pain and disappointments. 

You were created by God, in a fearful and wonderful way. He knew exactly what He was doing... Because He doesn't make mistakes. You, my friends, are a masterpiece created by the ultimate artist... and you are adored by your Creator.

Picture compliments of Pinterest

Friday, July 11, 2014

Attraction Factors

Hope for the Future!

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately, and was blown away when I read one about what attributes attract godly men. If you ladies want to read it, you can find it here:

It gave me hope! Hope that my love of God and adventurous spirit will be appreciated by my future husband.

Now it is time for a list of godly qualities that Christian women are looking for in their future Christian husbands. (This is in my opinion, so it may not be true for all Christian women, but you all are welcome to comment below).

Admirable Husband Qualities

- A man after God's own heart. You are devoted to loving and serving God, have fruit in your life that reveals this, and have a desire to read His word and know Him more.

- Leadership: Willing and able to lead those around you, you are trustworthy and have a hard work ethic.

- Confident: In who God made you, and is shaping you to be. You look to Him for approval and strength.

- Humble: Seeking to put others first, and not acting to receive recognition.

- Respectful: You are well respected by family, friends, and coworkers. You also show respect to Christ, people, and anyone you date.

- Kind-hearted: Compassionate, caring, reaching out to others.

- Provides: You show you can provide by holding a steady job, volunteering, and taking care of the people God puts in your life.

- Humor: Good clean humor is always appreciated! (Sometimes women will laugh even if the joke wasn't funny; to encourage you and affirm you... just bask in it :)

- Self-controlled: You show self-restraint, you think before you speak, you handle conflict in a calm manner.

- Encouraging: Building up others; not tearing down.

- Family man: Value your family, respect them, and want to have one of your own someday.

You may not have all of these qualities, but that is okay. If you are following hard after Christ, and submit to His will and plan in your life, He will teach you in the way you should go. God will grow godly qualities in you that will prepare you for marriage.

Hope this was an encouragement to you!