Thursday, April 19, 2012

Finding Your Princess

Qualities You are Looking for in Your Princess

What qualities are you looking for in your prospective princess? I have made a list of qualities that I desire in my future prince, and I think it would be helpful for men to make a list about their princess too.

Tips for Narrowing Your List

Here are tips for writing what qualities and characteristics you are looking for in a woman you date.

1. What are your values and beliefs? Are they important to you? Are you okay with compromising?
This is an important issue that can make or break a relationship.
2. What do you like to do? Would a girl who's afraid of bugs totally throw off your outdoor-loving lifestyle?
3. Do you want her to be smart and able to keep up with you? Some girls will be bored to tears listenning to your latest science experiment.
4. What things do you need to have in common? Do you both like to cook, or is she a picky eater?
5. Is she an introvert, or an extrovert? Will she be comfortable with your loud friends, or is she at home in a library?
6. So hopefully you have some sort of list started. Now, try to come up with 3-4 qualities that you will not compromise on. I know, sounds tough, but I know you can do it. And yes, gorgeous counts as a quality...

Remember*: She's Not Perfect, and Neither are You!

It had to be said. Everyone has flaws. I am sorry to tell you that there may not be a girl with ALL the qualities you wrote down... it probably depends on how long your list was ;). By having 4 qualities that you won't compromise on, you have a good base to find women you are attracted to.

Don't Waste a Lot of Time

You have either asked the girl out, or are planning to see her again. In your first date, or "get to know you" time, try to ask questions that will show you whether or not she has the qualities you are looking for. That way, if you are totally incompatible, you aren't so deep in that it will hurt to get out.

*Remember: If you are looking for a princess, you have to treat her like one!

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment at the bottom :).

Quotes for the day:

All guys should learn from Mario Bros. No matter how far their princess is, they should go after her.

1: I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me? 2: Well, you were dead 1: But death cannot stop true love...All it can do is delay it for a while.
The Princess Bride Quotes


  1. Thanks Ariel! I enjoy reading your helpful insights about being a gentleman and finding a princess. Lord bless!
