Friday, March 29, 2013

Life is a Journey

New Relationships

There is always uncertainty in a new relationship. Most new experiences have an element of risk or anxiety... whether it is your first day at a new job, going away to college, or starting a new relationship. Looking back, the most exciting and worthwhile experiences in my life happened when I took a risk.

Leap of Faith

In my opinion, things that are worthwhile require taking a leap of faith. You cannot possibly know all the possible outcomes. If you did, you would actually become bored. Life is an unpredictable journey, and building new relationships with friends and people you are attracted to is an important part of it.

Learning from it...

Even if the relationship does not last, there is much to be learned from it. You learn about someone else's perspective. This opens up your eyes to things you never would have noticed before... such as taking a moment to smell the roses, or that they see taking a wrong turn as an adventure. Maybe your significant other has different hobbies than you, such as cooking or working out. You can do these things together, and learn why they enjoy doing these activities.

I hope you learn from the relationships in your life. The lasting one's take time and effort to flourish. I have seen the marriage of my parents and that of mentors in my life that have flourished, and they continue to love each other. They have faced trials and joys together, and Christ is the center of their relationship.

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